Postgame Quotes: Locker room reaction after the Revs tied Chicago 2-2

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MLS Regular Season
Chicago Fire vs. New England Revolution
Toyota Park – Bridgeview, IL

New England Revolution Head Coach Jay Heaps
On the match:
“I liked our performance.  There were obviously areas where we made a couple of mistakes that cost us, but overall we felt like we were really pushing the game.  We wanted to get the three points.  They fought hard, they’re a good team, so they dug in and took the lead on us.  It took a good reaction from us.”

On whether it’s a boost to take a point on the road:
“I think in the end, yes, it’s still another good shape performance from us.  We were in the right spots, we gave up two goals from set pieces…we defended the first cross well, and there was a penalty kick on the first one.  And the second one was the same type of thing where the ball was scrambling and had to look better, but other than that, I didn’t feel like we were totally exposed.  That is much better from a team defensive performance.”

On the attacking looking fluid:
“When we are playing well, we are stringing passes together, we have the fluid interchange, and the ball movement is there, but that comes from being sound defensively and being in a good shape.  To be able to either pressure or drop and get ourselves back behind the ball.  That opens up the fluid movement because now guys are in the right spot where we win.”

On fighting back after conceding the second goal:
“It was good.  I thought that both of our subs tonight did a nice job.  One did an excellent job getting behind and holding it up, and I thought Kelyn [Rowe] read the game well.  Good service from Chris [Tierney].  I think we need more of that.  Whenever we get good service we get chances and I want to go back and look at the last chance.  I think we had another chance to get a goal.”

New England Revolution Midfielder Kelyn Rowe
On the match:
“Obviously having a point on the road is essential.  Especially leading into August which is going to be two games I think and then a break.  We need to get as many points as possible and go home and find three points against Toronto.”

On leveling the match at 2-2 quickly in the second half:
“I think it was really important.  We were fighting not just for one goal but two or three. I think we created so many chances and it was just unfortunate that they didn’t pop into the back of the net.  Fortunately we got that second one.  Overall the team’s performance was pretty good.  I think we need to translate that and use tonight’s game and use it in the next game.”

On how the play developed where he scored:
“It’s just one of those plays where you have a guy like Chris [Tierney] on the ball, with his left foot, he’s always going to put in a dangerous ball and he’s always going to find someway to sneak it around.  There was a little bit of luck involved of course but it’s one of those with Chris on the ball you have to take a risk and it happened to work out for us.”

On whether he felt he would link up in a final chance with Davies at the end:
“I did.  I think we both saw it.  It’s just one of those things where it’s an inch off or it’s slightly too hard or too far or you made a good run and I just got to get the ball.”

New England Revolution Captain and Defender Jose Goncalves
On heading home with a hard fought point:
“I think we started the game well.  We had most of the possession.  We created a lot and that’s why we scored first.  We did everything correct.  Maybe they had one chance in the first half and that’s it.  They were given a penalty that I am 100% sure that I never touched the guy, I touched the ball.  That is what Accam said.  ‘He never touched me.’  So at least he said it.  It was not enough for the referee.  He decided it was a penalty.  We kept going because we knew we were controlling the game.  We wanted to score the second goal.  In this game we were looking for three points.   We got back in the game and the last few minutes I thought we would score one more goal.  But it was enough to earn a point, on the road this is good.  We must be satisfied also because we left some games like that and move on to the next home game.”

On what the team felt at halftime:
“Definitely frustration.  Especially when it’s not a penalty, not a call, but the referee decided it that way.  We came back in and together.  We were one team and were reminding us to score.  We wanted to win this game.”

On responding quickly after the second Fire goal:
“Yes, definitely, we can see the progress, we can see the mental toughness.  Keep going, keep our head down and work hard like we did in the first half.  We scored another goal and if we do it that way since last week we will have a better mindset as a team and we can do anything.  That’s why we progress again tonight.  Take a point on the road and move on to the next match.”

On earning a point on the road:
“It’s very important to take a point away.  When you play away, you play a home team.  They know the field, they are very confident here and they have their supporters.  For us to take a point or three away is very crucial especially in the last few games because we don’t have a lot of games until the end of the season.  We must take every point and strive for three.”

Frank Yallop, Chicago Fire Head Coach

Thoughts on the match

“Obviously, a disappointment to end the game, we looked a bit laggy and not sharp first half. Maybe, it was because of our game Wednesday, I would think so, I haven’t talked to the players but I would think Wednesday took a bit out of us. But we hung in there and got the goal at the end of the half and I thought we in the end we didn’t play particularly well but we got the goal and then gave it straight back to them was just so disappointing. Huge error at the back, for the guys as a group we got back into the game and then we go on and score a, I thought was going to be the winning goal.  I didn’t really feel they created a ton of good chances, nice possession and they had four shots on goal something like that and got two goals. The last goal is not good, I just saw it again, Adi’s got to clear it and he just lets it go, I don’t know what to say after that. You know, it just cost us the game.”

On looking to trade the rights for Didier Drogba to Montreal

“I have no updated on that, I just finished the game. I haven’t spoken to anybody before the game. There is no real update until there is one. I have not spoken to anybody, you know, I just finished the game. There might be an update tomorrow; right now there is nothing there.”

On Matthew Watson’s performance

“I’d probably say first half nobody really well but I thought Matty drove on second half and did a nice job, I think he played very well midweek as well in the Orlando game in the Open Cup. He did well tonight in the end. It was a tough game and I think we had an emotional night Wednesday and I am not making excuses but we just looked a little flat and I wouldn’t use the word tired because we shouldn’t be tired, we should be on our toes from the start but we just looked a little flat from Wednesday. Again we did enough to get back in the game, we were winning 2-1 in the 75th minute at home and didn’t feel the opposition was looking and they were dangerous at times but so were we. Just disappointed.”

On Razvan’s play driving the team back from a 1-0 deficit

“Raz has been playing great. Again, it is so disappointing you can see the soft goal and it so easy to clear it. I don’t know why Aid didn’t clear it; maybe he didn’t get a shout. It seemed like he got a shout from somebody, obviously I haven’t asked him so I don’t know. He’s just got to clear that and play on for not playing particularly well. A lot of teams find a way to win that don’t play particularly well, especially in our league. In many games like that, we play against teams that beat us and I don’t think they played very well and they win. So we should have been that tonight.”

On preparing for FC Dallas

“I haven’t thought about it right now, but obviously we will scout them going into the start of the week. They are a good side. We played Seattle and did okay against them, so hopefully we can do the same against Dallas. The thing for me is we got to let this go and get three points next Sunday. You know it was there for us and it was disappointing we didn’t get three points, which would have helped us and we would have a good week then, semifinal in the Cup and three points at home in the league. Things are looking more up, we dropped two points tonight and we’ve got to try to get three next weekend.”

Shaun Maloney, Chicago Fire Midfielder

Thoughts on the match

“I think overall a draw was probably fair, I think New England was a pretty good side tonight. Think once we got into the position at 2-1, to lose a goal so quickly hurt. I think overall was pretty good, but obviously getting to 2-1 and not holding on for long enough.”

On lacking energy due to the midweek game

“No I don’t think so. I think you have to give a little bit of credit to New England, and the way they played from the start. Their wide players tucked in and outnumbered us in the middle of the field, and we were fortunate probably to go in 1-0 to score late on. They played well and we showed up to match them at times, but I think losing the goal so quickly after scoring I think that’s the disappointing part from the team’s point of view.

On if the Drogba situation is a distraction

“Absolutely none. We’ve all been a part of clubs we’re there has been speculation of players leaving and going and that’s not something that has a detrimental effect on the team.”

On how he feels after coming back from injury

“Yeah, better again from the last game. I’m pretty happy with how I was feeling. So, a step up from last game.”

On taking the positives from going unbeaten in two games

“It’s difficult to look at it like that at the moment. I think Orlando was definitely a positive and there were patches today that were positive, but we’re right into the middle of the season and obviously its points that we need. Now that everyone is healthy I don’t think there’s any excuse for us not to pick up points, particularly at home.”

On now having eight days to recover after a congested stretch

“For some players, like Harry who has obviously played a lot of games and the players that have been pretty much relentless are looking forward to a bit of a break, but for the rest of us just coming back its more time to train and look forward to next week.”

On if the team is still in the playoff chase

“I think so. I haven’t seen the results from tonight. Yeah, I think we’ve been on losing streaks, we’ve been on winning streaks earlier in the season. I had to say Orlando was a positive and obviously doesn’t feel like that tonight. I think the talking has to stop we have to start doing it now.”

Razvan Cocis, Chicago Fire Midfielder

Thoughts on the match

“This is the way we’re doing till now cause we’re winning then we’re losing. I can remember Orlando we’re winning 2-1 and New York leading 2-0 and come out 2-2. So there are some points we lost where we’d be better in the table.“

On re-watching New England’s equalizing goal

“No, I haven’t seen it yet.”

On his goal

“I think it was off a corner kick and we just keep putting it in the box. Matt had a shot deflected and I was just in the right spot and put it in. It wasn’t too easy to put in because it was high, but I managed to put my heel up and put it in.”

On preparing for FC Dallas next week

“I think we prepare the way we prepare for every game. The coaches will analyze everything and tell us everything, what we have to do. We’re going to practice what we have to do. We’re doing a good job until now, it’s just we sometimes lose our concentration and give up some points.”

On wearing the captain’s armband

“Oh yeah, it wasn’t expected the first time I received it, I’m not so old in the team only being here one year, but I’m happy and honored to be the captain, but it is just until Jeff is coming back and Mike is coming back. So it is just for the moment.”